The Cochrane Road School song, "Hear Ye Our Alma Mater's Call" or "Dengarlah seruan Alma Mater" in the National language was scored by a former Headmaster, Mr. Goon Fat Chee. The music for it was written by the then American Peace Corps teacher, Mr Dick Halvestadt. The song has over the years built up a strong "Espirit de corps" among Cochraneans. At the moment, we still do not have a MIDI version o f the song, anyone interested in scoring the MIDI version can contact us as soon as possible.

Image 1 - School Song Music notes from the "Cochranean"


Hear Ye Our Alma Mater's Call (English)

Love your neighbours; help serve society;
Be fair, unselfish and charitable;
Fear not the rich nor the high and mighty;
Trample not the helpless and the humble;
Thus do we Cochraneans learn, do and say;
Our watch word is one for all, all for one;
Strive earnestly, for progress ev'ry day;
In all our morals, studies, games and fun;
Carry high the standard of loyalty;
Come, Cochraneans, follow the cosmic light;
Heaven's bright beacon shows the way for ye;
To honour and glory - that noble sight;
Cochraneans, hear ye alma mater's call;
Yes we hear. Then must we come one and all.

Dengarlah Seruan Alma Mater (B.M.)


Sayangi jiran,Taburkanlah Bakti;
Dengan hati yang suci dan pemurah;
Tanpa mengira kaya dan berkuasa;
Janganlah di tindas pada yang lemah;
Itu panduan kami Cochranean;
Satu untuk semua, semua untuk satu;
Berusaha mencari kemajuan;
Dalam pelajaran, permainan;
Moral juga janganlah dilupakan;
Oh! Cochraneans, ikutlah panduan;
Ke jalan kemajuan yang mulia;
Untuk mencapainya mesti berusaha;
Sambutlah seruan alma mater;
dengarlah, mari kita semua.